Recovering from addiction often comes with a lot of challenges that the church can help the addict displace or manage. Addiction is often related to the feeling of abandonment, need for secrecy, hopelessness, low self-esteem, and a bunch of other spiritual and emotional mind illnesses. The church is a place that can alleviate the hold of addiction in one’s life.
It is very difficult to fight addiction alone. However, with the power of God and with the help of the church, addiction will in no time become a thing of the past. Here is a list of benefits that the church may offer the recovering addict:
Sense of belonging
Most addicts find their recovery process difficult because they lack a community of people with positive vibes. The people of the church are ready to give the addict all the love and care that they need to defeat their addiction.
Instead of living in guilt, abandonment, and the shadow of your trouble, get closer to the people of God. They see less of who the addict is and more of who they want the addict to be.

Prayers of intercession
The power of intercessory prayer is not to be swept under the carpet when dealing with addiction recovery. Ministers believe that intercession is a great way to get things from God.
Individual member of the church who knows about the situation of the addict can offer prayer to God concerning the addict. Lots of miracles do happen through this.
Leaders of the church often offer spiritual and psychological counseling to the people of the church. Some churches even have counseling units where they help people going through spiritual or emotional breakdowns. Such counseling will help the addict discuss their challenges and decipher ways of counteracting.
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